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Drunkenmagic: The Home To Magic's drinking games

Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Draft Beer, Booze Cube, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Draft Beer, Booze Cube, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic


Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Draft Beer, Booze Cube, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Draft Beer, Booze Cube, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic
Drunkenmagic - A costum made set of magic cards dedicated to drinking

Welcome to Drunkenmagic

These cards and rules are in no way endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, the DCI, Hasbro, or anyone else; they are just nonprofit parodies of an awesome game, designed to be used as a late-night (or early-morning, we don't judge) casual variant by players of legal drinking age, the credits for the pictures is to give to the noumerous artists, we just found most of the pictures on google.  Drink responsibly, and don’t drink and drive.


Before you can start the game, there are a few rules, as with every good game.

To begin with lets talk about the moste important part, the alcohol! This isn't a rule, more like the pirate codex,  a guidline, ARRR!


Each player has three drinks:
  • Weak drink = like beer (3.5 – 10 %)

These are used for sips

Cards that refer to beer, refer to your weak drink

  • Moderate drink = like a cocktail ( 10 – 20% )

You drink one sip of your moderate drink for each one life you lose

  • Strong drink = like Jägermeister or vodka ( 20%+)

These are used for when a card refers to shots


Some basic terms that are used in the game are:
  • Drunken counter or DC's

This is maybe the most importent of them all. A drunken counter is a counter a creature gets if it drinks a sip. Drunken counters give a negative effect to the creature. For each drunken counter on it, it has 10% chanse to fail an atempt to attack, block or activate an ability. if it fails, tap it.

If a creature gets drunken counters on it after it sucessfull attack or block declared has, its chanse to fail to deal combat damage is 10% for each drunken counter put on it between it attack/block declare and combat damage step. For more detailed information look at the PDF.

  • Drunk creatures

I think i don't need to tell you guys this, but a drunk creature is a creature with drunken counters on them.

  • Overdose

When a creatures has 10 drunken counters on it, it will have a 100% chanse to fail. So it dies, you sacrifice it. BUT! This wouldn't be magic if there aren't exceptions, wouldn't it? Some have abilities that says "drunken counters have double/half effect." these can have more/less counters on them.

  • Sober creature

This is simple, a creature without a drunken counter on it is sober.

  • Shot counter

A shot counter is put on a nonland permanent. A permanent with a shot counter on it can't  attack, block or activate an ability (Just like Arest, just on nonland permanents). The controller of that pemanent can take the shots as an sorcery to remove it.

Here is a PDF with all rules from above and some exemples to clearify them, if necessary. I recommend to take a look at it.

Nothing is more annoying than a rule book thats unclear!

This word document contains a table so you can easy copy/paste the cards. The formate of the cards is the same as normal magic the gathering cards. I use 8.7 cm high and 6.27 cm width.

Drinking Planechase - For everyone that likes to spice their ordinary magic matches up
Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Draft Beer, Booze Cube, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Draft Beer, Booze Cube, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic

We Even Have Drinking Planechase !!

You maybe don't want to learn and print a lot of new cards or to deal with the timeconsuming deck building? Then planechase is a good way for you! It'll make each magic game unique and fun, don't forget about the drinking part!


Here you can choose between 32 different planes and 8 phenomenon, all of which will form each of your magic game different and always keeps it intersting.


You don't know how to play with planechase? No problem, here is a link to read the rules. They aren't many and easy to remember.

After you read the rules, you probably thinking "But wait! I don't own a planar die!" Just use a normal six sided die and say that number 1 is planeswalk and number 6 is chaos.


There is only one additional drinking rule:

  • For each life you lose, you take a sip.

In this word document is a table for plane cards. The only thing you need to do before you can paste the images in the document is to rotated them by 90°.

Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Draft Beer, Booze Cube, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Draft Beer, Booze Cube, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic, Magic the Gathering Drinking Game, Booze Magic, Magic the Drunkeness, Beer, Booze, Mtg drinking game, Beer magic, Drunken magic, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Magic, drunkenmagic
Drinking Rules - For you how doesn't like/ can't to print out cards or just likes to play with his own cards.

You don't like

Planechase or printing out new cards?

In that case, you don't have to search anymore, because even for that sencario are we prepared. Here you can get some easy drinking rules that will spice up your magic game!


  • Whenever a spell is countered, it's controller drinks.

  • Whenever a permanent is destroyed by a spell or ability, that permanents controller drinks.

  • Whenever a player draws a card, that player drinks for each card that player draws.

  • Whenever a player exiles a permanent, that player drinks.

  • Whenever a player prevents damage, that player chooses another player that drinks for each damage prevented.

  • Whenever a player sacrifices a permanent, each other player drinks.

  • Whenever a card is returned to your hand by an opponents source, drink.

  • Whenever a card is returned to your hand by  a source you control, you choos a player. That player drinks.

  • Whenever a player gains life, each other player drinks.

  • Whenever a player loses life, that player drinks for each life lost.

  • Whenever a player activate a planeswalkers ulti, eh other player takes a shot.


Special rules for commander
  • Whenever a player cast his or her commander, that player divides sips equal to the number of times his or her commander has been cast, as he chooses.

  • If a player playes a sweeper that player drinks. (instead of everyon drinking for their destroyed permanents)

  • Instead of drinking for each life you lose, drink for each source that causes you to lose life.

  • To make it little less harmfull, you can choose to drink for each source that makes you draw cards each turn, instead of drinking for each card you draw.

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